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Section 377 in The Indian Penal Code, 1860

Section 377 in The Indian Penal Code, 1860

The Indian Penal Code is very old and it also takes the rules and sections from the British time. Among all the provisions section 377 involves debate and controversy. This is an old section but has a lot of impact on society. This section indicates the unwanted attachment to the individuals and this also acts on the LGBTQ+ individuals. It is a type of criminal offence. Now this section is not in the IPC, but the society still wants to apply it to the same gender people. So one needs to know the rights and their Punishment according to this section. This blog will discuss the details of section 377 that is not in the IPC now buy rules for a long period.

Understanding Section 377

The text of Section 377 includes:

“Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman, or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.”

The main points of the law, such as “carnal intercourse” and “against the order of nature,”. This has changed the law over the years. Courts relied on subjective judgments, often matching any sexual act. This act does not aim at procreation as being unnatural.

The origins of Section 377 can be traced back to the British Empire’s attempt to regulate morality. This is influenced by the Buggery Act of 1533 in England. It was introduced into Indian law by Lord Macaulay, the principal architect of the IPC.

Impact of Section 377 on Indian Society

For many years this rule makes mental torture to humans over physical contact. So the impact of Section 377 on Indian society is as follows:

  1. The provision was used to address homosexuality as a criminal act. This authorised discrimination, harassment, and violence against LGBTQ+ individuals.
  2. Section 377 created barriers for health workers and organizations that have issues such as HIV/AIDS prevention among selected communities.
  3. The criminalization of same-sex relationships settled homophobia in Indian society. This leads to mental health struggles among LGBTQ+ individuals.
  4. Over the years, Indian courts fought with the law’s interpretation. While some rulings sought to narrow its scope, others upheld its constitutionality, perpetuating uncertainty and fear.

Post-2018 Developments

Homosexuality and the rules over them make society warm. A revolution came after the year 2018 when this section finally cleared and taken off from the IPC. So this is a bold step made by the Indian constitution after a decade. The changes happen like:

  1. While the legal victory was celebrated, societal attitudes toward LGBTQ+ individuals continue to evolve slowly. There is lack of education is also present in the mind of society and the fight still goes on. 
  2. The decriminalization of homosexuality does not automatically translate into broader rights for LGBTQ+ individuals, such as marriage equality, adoption rights, or anti-discrimination protections.
  3. Increased representation of LGBTQ+ voices in media, politics, and public discourse has contributed to greater awareness. However, systemic barriers remain a challenge.
  4. The government is promoting awareness about LGBTQ+ issues through educational campaigns that can help combat stereotypes of individuals’ minds and thoughts.

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