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Section 354 IPC: Assault or Criminal Force to Outrage the Modesty of a Woman

Section 354 IPC: Assault or Criminal Force to Outrage the Modesty of a Woman.

Section 345 of the IPC indicates women’s power. If a woman is harassed or abused physically. This section is made to make the women independent and speaks about their problems to society. If a woman is being harassed they can file the case to the court. The court proceedings of this section are not very simple. This needs to be examined properly with all the evidence. This blog will clarify the details of section 354 and the process of filing the case. 

What is Section 354 IPC?

Section 354 of the IPC is made to identify the acts of assault or criminal force against a woman to outrage her modesty. The section includes:

“Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any woman, intending to outrage or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage her modesty, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than one year but which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine.”

This provision is made to save the women from being harassed. This is a criminal offence and the accused may be fined or go the jail for their assault.

Indications of Section 354 IPC

The indications of Section 354 of the IPC are as follows: 

  1. When the accused uses criminal force against the woman or assaults her. Assault refers to an act that causes physical harm. This does not necessarily require physical contact but includes gestures or actions that make the woman feel threatened.
  2. Criminal force, on the other hand, involves intentional physical force that is used without the woman’s consent.
  3. Section 354 specifically applies to women. The law does not extend this protection to men.
  4. The accused must have the intent to outrage the woman’s modesty or have knowledge that their actions are likely to achieve this effect. 
  5. The term “modesty” is not expressed in the IPC but has been interpreted by courts as an attribute option to a woman, associated with her dignity and honour.

Punishment for Offenses Under Section 354 IPC

This is a criminal offence and one can be punished under section 354 of the IPC. The punishment includes:

  • Imprisonment: A minimum term of 1 year, and this can be extendable up to 5 years.
  • Fine: The accused is also liable to pay a fine. The amount of which may vary based on the decision of the court, and the Jury.

Examples of Acts Considered Under Section 354 IPC

Some of the examples of Section 354 are:

  • Inappropriate touching or groping.
  • Making sexually explicit comments or gestures.
  • Physical harassment aimed at humiliating the woman.
  • Attempting to disrobe a woman in public or private.
  • Unlawful acts intending to invade a woman’s personal space with malicious intent.

Exceptions to Section 354 IPC

While Section 354 provides huge protection, some of the scenarios might not fall under its section:

  1. Absence of Intent: If the act was accidental and lacked malicious intent, it may not qualify as an offence.
  2. Consent: If the woman consented to the act, it cannot be considered an offence under Section 354.
  3. Wrongful Allegations: Misuse of the provision through false charges is a challenge that the judiciary must carefully navigate.

Why Choose Us

So this is the section where the cases are filed to protect the dignity of women. This is a critical step and one needs to understand all the facts of this section. We are the Best Lawyers in Delhi and we have an experienced team to investigate the case. Please feel free to allow us to handle your case. 

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